reality check

A funny conversation that took place with Bob yesterday…

Bob: I think you’re the best writer I’ve ever met.
Me: You mean second best, right?
Bob: Second best? To whom???
Me: Ray fucking Bradbury?!
Bob: Oh yeah… Like I was saying, I think you’re the second best writer I’ve ever met…

A comparison to Ray Bradbury is still quite the compliment to me – I’ll take it! 😉

Just another bulletted weekend…

  • I spent a great deal of my weekend unpacking …still… and I’m happy to profess that at least I’m getting closer! There’s still a ways to go – finish painting my bedroom, start painting the bathroom, and hang a slew of pictures in the dining room – but ultimately things are coming along nicely. With any luck, I’ll be concealing my final cables and buying new plants as soon as next weekend – man, I can’t wait until this is all over with… 😛
  • and P.S., I barely touched GTA: San Andreas at all this weekend, except for a brief stint Friday evening. Probably why I was able to get so much accomplished…
  • It seems my old apartment complex will be getting one final jab after all – I woke up “early” on Saturday to make my trip to the post office to pick up what I thought was going to be my security deposit refund. Nope, instead it was a statement – apparently, according to Florida state law, they either have to refund your deposit within 14 days OR provide a statement if they plan to make deductions, with the check due in another 30 days. Of course, their plan is to always deduct the last water payment from tenants’ deposits, so they always get to keep it a bit longer…jerks! Not to mention the fact that they show me staying an extra two days and are trying to bill me for it, so I get to write another letter to them tomorrow stating that I left exactly when the lease said that I had to – it’ll never end, I tell ya!
  • Season #6 of The Simpsons on DVD arrived last week, but I still haven’t watched a single episode yet. Ironically enough, I’ve already ordered the “replacement box” that doesn’t look like Homer’s head and actually fits on the shelf…
  • I need to watch more movies. I realized this weekend that I haven’t really sat down and just watched a single thing since I got here. I think I’m going to shoot for next weekend, assuming I can get the painting done throughout the week. I would like to take some time and watch each of the Lord of the Rings movies, as I don’t think I’ve even watched parts one and two on the big screen yet. The only question is…do I destroy one entire day or four hour chunks on three separate days?!
  • But before I go having fun like that, I really need to get my ass to the gym…because I still haven’t been since I moved yet! (Meg, please don’t hit me!) Last time I talked to my Mom, I mentioned getting an eliptical for home so that I don’t have to leave to exercise anymore – she was all for donating for it, but I just don’t know if I’ve got room to hide the thing when I’m not using it. Also, I’ve got to say that it’s a pretty lame Christmas gift, but hey, I’m getting old… 😛
  • Nonetheless, I’m convinced that the folks at Hershey’s don’t want me to ever get skinny – case in point, today I discovered the brand-new Peanut Butter-Filled Hershey’s Kisses at the store, alongside my current favorite – the caramel ones … needless to say, both bags were in hand as I slinked up to the counter…
  • Made pizza tonight for dinner and loved the smell nearly as much as the meal itself. Out of all of the candles that I’ve got lying around, how come they don’t make a pizza-scented candle???
  • And lastly, I’m finally just about ready to move my fish back into their old tank … at least those who survived the great move of 2005. It took me forever to find a new air pump that doesn’t sound like a small jet engine, but after finding a suitable successor tonight, I think I’m just about ready to ok the relocation. I guess I’ll have to throw PetSmart on that list of places to go this weekend to pick-up some new residents…

Fun Things I Want to Do Before Christmas…

  • see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on IMAX down at Channelside
  • (note: maybe make a day of it and hit up the aquarium, too!)
  • take a trip to Disney to see the Osbourne Family Spectacle of Lights
  • plot a list of the best light displays in the Bay area and photograph
  • watch A Clay-Mation Christmas Celebration(starring the California Raisins!)
  • bake cookies – lotsof cookies
  • burn a new compilation of ’80s music for cruisin’ the city

stupid, son of a…

Seriously, nothing makes me happier than spending an hour working on the next day’s comic, only to have Photoshop crash before I get a chance to save the damn thing.

I guess it’ll just have to go up tomorrow evening because I can’t stay up until 2AM to redo the whole thing when I have to get back up before 6AM…

Why Scott shouldn’t play video games…

I’ve been reading up a lot on the new X-Box over the weekend for a couple of reasons – a) somebody at work got one and I’m about ready to invite myself over to play it; b) because I’ve been watching the auctions on eBay for these things top $1000 and I think it’s crazy; and c) because I’m overall still extremely pissed off at Microsoft for letting their shortage get this out of hand, and I didn’t even plan on buying one! But nonetheless, that’s an argument that is going to have to take place at another time for me to truly do it justice, so we’ll just skim over that one for the time being…

No – the truth is, after reading all that I’ve been able to find, gawking over screenshots, and generally letting myself get built up by the hype with everyone else, I must admit that this is a gaming machine that I actually wouldn’t mind owning. Although it’s predecessor was also more of a computer of sorts, this new model blows baby brother out of the water with a whopping three 3 Ghz cores and its no secret that Microsoft is technically losing money on the sales of the consoles themselves (again, not another argument for today because I’m certainly not going to feel sorry for Microsoft for losing $75 or something with each $400 sale) – bottom line, this is going to be a sweet-ass gaming machine that, especially with HD compatibility and Dolby Surround Sound, could easily gobble up hours upon hours of just about anybody’s time.

Which is exactly why I can’t have one! (and the price tag is a little out of my budget, mind you) Somebody made the comment to me the other day that they never really knew me to be much of a gamer, which for the most part is true – I certainly don’t consider myself to be a gamer and you’re more likely to find me either watching movies or doing web development than spending hours in front of the TV playing some game. But when you do…look out! Case in point – I haven’t really spent any considerable amount of time playing games for months, however this weekend a friend loaned me Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and guess how much unpacking I managed to get done this weekend! Just about as close to zilch as one could possibly get! I think I unpacked a box of pots and pans, but that was only because I was hungry and have made a vow to stop eating out through the end of the year! Other than that, I’ve pretty much been plastered to this thing from dusk ’til dawn…

…and ultimately, I suppose that’s technically OK – one of the perks of being single is that you really don’t have to get up for many things other than work if you don’t want to, but I do want to and I find myself postponing life until I can at least beat a few more of these missions! Today I did 50 reps with 60 lb. dumbbells…or at least my character did – I pretty much just pressed those two buttons really fast and watched him bulk up. At the end, the game chimed and my guy seemed quite fulfilled, and I was left wondering why my own workouts couldn’t pass by that quickly!

So maybe I’ll get one of these fancy 360s in a couple of years – I don’t know. As it is, in a couple of weeks I’m going to be buying an old X-Box off of one of my friends who’s looking for some extra cash, so it should be interesting just to see how I deal with the time management issue on that one! I keep telling myself that I’m buying the thing more so to act as a media center so that I can stream music and movies through my home entertainment system, but then again, there are some pretty cool games that have always been exclusive to the X-Box that I might just have to try my hand at as well. Oh bother… 😛

wait – one more!

Oh yes, and I’m also thankful for discounted DVD sales because I’ve probably spent more on movies in the last week than I have all year long! (…well, close anyways…)

20 DVDs for less than $200, including the 6th season of The Simpsons for $16, an entire season of Project: Greenlight for $23, and a few old holiday favorites for $7 a piece that aren’t even supposed to be available anymore – who can argue with that?! See – I knew it was a good idea to get that extra DVD rack when I moved here… 🙂

giving thanks where thanks is due…

It was a fairly quiet, lazy day, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t go through the motions. Here are some highlights for 2005:

  • Of course, first and foremost – I’m thankful for health … that of my friends, family, and colleagues, but also my own as well. A year ago, you’d have been hard pressed to find me actually spending time at the local gym, but for a handful of reasons this year I finally decided to start taking it a little more seriously…and I’ve got to say that I feel much better for it.
  • I’m thankful that I work at a job that nine times out of ten I actually enjoy going to…not to mention the bonus that they’re willing to pay me considerably more than minimum wage to show up every day! I know that I’m very fortunate to work for a company that takes such an active role in the retirement planning of its employees, and am certainly greatful because otherwise I wouldn’t have a retirement plan at all right now!
  • I’m thankful for my creativity and sense of humor, and especially that now here in the final months of 2005, I’m finally being presented with opportunities to put these traits to good use once again. Sometimes you’ve got to just laugh, and if I have it my way, it won’t be long again before that phrase is synomonous with humor across the Internet…
  • I’m thankful that I know good people who are waiting to stand behind me when I need their help, support, or even just a little encouragement. More importantly, I’m glad that they respect me enough to let me take the risks that I do and stand behind me, even if they don’t understand why I’ve made the decisions that I’ve made.
  • I’m thankful for good friends, young and old, who know the importance of keeping in touch even when separated by miles upon miles of open country. I’m also happy for my friends who know that its never a bad time to pop their head in to say hello, even if only virtually…
  • I’m thankful that President Bush can’t get re-elected again and that so far, there really isn’t a strong republican candidate for him to start grooming for the job. I’m also thankful for the will-power that each and every one of us maintain on a daily basis because otherwise, that man would’ve gotten lynch-mobbed, like, five years ago…
  • I’m thankful for a wonderfully-talented little sister who will hopefully some day truly realize the potential behind her gifts. One of my largest bragging points this year has certainly been that we’ve started back up our comic together, so hopefully this time we’ll see it sky-rocket to new heights!
  • I’m thankful for a very special woman this year who taught me more about life, love and happiness in a mere four months than I’ve learned in years. Although we may not be together these days … for reasons unknown … she still inspires me to be the very best that I can be and I’ll never be able to thank her enough for that.
  • I’m thankful to live in a city that promotes diversity, and for a mayor who’s not afraid to stand up and tell her political colleagues when they’re being disrespectful idiots!
  • And finally, I’m most definitely thankful for this beautiful, tropical weather because I just couldn’t imagine ever shoveling snow again in my life! Today the computer said it was 18 degrees in Michigan, and 71 degrees in Tampa – you do the math… 😛

Ladies and Gentlemen, the system works!!!

Lafave Signs Plea

All others’ opinions aside, I’ve got to say that I remember being 14-years-old and for some reason I really don’t think this kid is going through as much emotional distress as the world seems to think he is! His teacher was beyond hot and he’s now the envy of not only his male classmates, but probably half the men in Tampa to boot! Maybe if she had been forcing herself upon him, it’d be a different story, but come on – she’s not exactly the kind of girl that you’d kick out for eating crackers in the bed, now is she?!

I don’t know why, but I’ve been really big on personal responsibility lately, even when it comes to children. I’m sorry, but I just don’t buy the “ignorant until eighteen” rule of thumb that we reign by in this day and age. The kid’s going to brag about it in college anyways…or at least he’s going to brag about it more, that is…so give the hot chick a break…