a brief history of the bikini…

(courtesy of On This Day a la reference.com)

Fact of the Day: bikini

The bikini debuted at a Paris fashion show on July 5, 1946. The skimpy two-piece bathing suit was designed by Louis Reard. It was named after an atoll in the Pacific Ocean where the world’s first peacetime atomic-weapons test was conducted at Bikini on July 1, 1946.

flying sparks and light sabers…

* Just got home…now watching fireworks out my office window as I write up a review for Star Wars – Episode 3…hoping that my neighbors don’t catch their building on fire and, if they do, that it doesn’t spread over to my own… * 😛

Happy 4th of July!!!

Welcome to July

Wow – where did June go?!

  • Just paid rent and parking for July…amazing how much I don’t have left after I write those two checks!
  • Looking forward to getting my panorama frames in the mail so that I can finally put up the Disney photos.
  • Amazingly after having a horrendously motivated weekend, I didn’t write crap for the past five days…with the exception of blog entries here and there.
  • I need to force myself to write at least one column before I go to bed tonight. The site’s starting to look really great…just need to get off my butt and finish things up.
  • Work was very good today, and should be fun tomorrow also. Crap seems to be happening to other people for a change instead of hitting me directly, and although I do feel bad for them, I’m glad that it’s targeting someone else for a while… 😛
  • Right now I need a weekend that can be both relaxing andproductive…is that even possible?
  • Must find time for Disneyland documentary this weekend that Bob loaned me.
  • No work on Monday. Don’t know where I’m going to go watch 4th of July fireworks yet. At this point, I’d give anything to just go to the beach and watch the sunset with Leslie…

more quotables from the archives…

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.”

— Babe Ruth
“You do not lead by hitting people over the head. That is assult, not leadership.”

— Dwight Eisenhower
“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.”

— Francis Bacon

Lowe’s is my new best friend…

See – that’s what you get for being raised in the sheltered midwest!

I went into my first Lowe’s today and I’ve got to say, I really see no reason to ever go back to Home Depot again! You see, I’ve always been stuck on Home Depot because that’s all we had up north and when I got here, I just never bothered to even consider the alternatives.

Well, today I’m certainly glad that I did because in twenty minutes, I managed to find the plexiglass for my panoramas that has been eluding me for weeks, a really cool tropical-style ceiling fan with palm frond blades that will fit perfectly in the prospective bedroom decorating plans, and even cat5 wall mounts so that I can wire the entire house for gigabit ethernet!

Now all I need is the actual house itself… 😛