how much is TOO MUCH?!

[Disclaimer: don’t read as far into this as your gossipy, little hearts want to – it’s not exactly time to take that step yet, at least as far as I know…]

So we were talking at work the other day and quite the interesting discussion topic came up – “How much should a man spend on his bride-to-be’s engagement / wedding ring?” Of course, the female opinions were all on one side of the table with the guys on the other – we heard everything from two months’ salary to “a couple grand, at the most” to one guy whose girlfriend had already set her heart on a $30,000 rock… 😛

I guess I’m torn about this one and maybe I’ll have a slightly different opinion when I get closer to actually making such a decision, but from my perspective – as I’m just completing a two year effort to pay off five years’ worth of credit card debt and looking to soon sink that newfound income into the purchase of a house – is that it doesn’t make sense to enter into a marriage with someone and already have that kind of additional weight over one’s head. Now don’t get me wrong, she still deserves a nice ring and all, but when you’re talking about price tags that could also represent the down payment or closing costs on a new house, it kind of makes you stop and think – two months’ salary is a lot of cash!

LOL – we also decided that if following the “two months” rule, second and third jobs don’t count and you’re allowed to figure off of your net earnings instead of the gross…yes, have calculator, will geek out…

I read a couple of articles stating that some men…and women…agree that you can’t live in a ring, or drive a ring to the beach, or take summer vacations to the ring, and thus they had agreed together on a set amount to be spent that fit within their budget. While I think that this kind of takes away from the surprise of the whole moment if she already helped to pick the thing out, it might be easier than overspending and then getting in trouble later for putting the new family too deep into debt. And then again, I do believe that this same article can be quoted as saying that our “two months” should be comprised of the man’s and the woman’s monthly salaries combined and I just can’t see that one happening, so maybe that’s what you get for looking to the Internet for advice!

I want to hear some other opinions, especially if you’re somebody who’s already made this purchase! The only people who already had rings and would admit how much they cost were sure to throw in that their husbands had spent considerably more than two months’, so is this just one where us guys have to bite the bullet and commit to eating Ramen for a while or is there a little more leeway than what’s already been spelled out???

freezingly frustrated…

No matter what setting I change the dial inside the fridge to, I end up with a glass containing one large block of ice as opposed to the ice water that I’ve come to know and love in its liquid form.

It’s been fun, but more and more things that I once tolerated around here are starting to annoy – the teeny, tiny fridge, the “not necessarily leaking” air conditioner, the dryer that hums unless you stand there and hold enough pressure on the door to keep the seal. Between you and me, the end of this summer isn’t going to come fast enough!

weight loss update…

Just referencing back to previous posts and other bits of correspondence, here’s where we stand:

begin: 235
May 14th: 228
May 21st: 225
June 15th: 222
June 19th: 219

target: 185 (which equates to a Body Mass Index of about 25 – “desirable” for my height according to this)

A little over a third of the way there – woo hoo!!! Almost enough encouragement to actually want to hit the gym after work tomorrow… 😉

frogs and bears

a bit of comedic genius from the late Mitch Hedberg…

I like to talk about the differences between frogs and bears…

…like when there’s a frog around, I don’t have to hang my fucking sandwiches from a branch…

…the frog knows that they are for me!

He’d rather have a fly, because a fly zig-zags…and my sandwiches do not.

One comic whom I really didn’t even recognize until after that fateful news report…


In paying bills tonight, I realized that I now only require three stamps per month…the other eight or nine I can either pay online or directly in person…and really, the only reason that I still send the three through the mail is because 37 cents each is cheaper than the five dollar “convenience fee” that those guys want to charge for online payments.

This seems amazing to me, when a couple of years ago I used to go through a book a month easily…but then again, I do seem to be easily amused this evening… 😮

That is all.

WANTED: entertainment for bored audiophile…

I need some suggestions of new stuff to listen to at work…music is ok, but preferrably more of the spoken word variety. The bulk of my day is spent staring at a computer screen and if I don’t have something to keep my mind occupied, I start to go off on tangents (today’s discussion included determining the radius and eventually also the internal temperature of the Earth’s core…I know, we’re all a bunch of dorks…).

So far I’ve been living off a steady stream of catch-up with This Week in Tech, The Chris Pirillo Show, and occasionally The Sean Kennedy Show when I’m feeling particularly damn-the-man-ish, but at this point I’m up to current and am now in desperate need of new listening material!!! Right now I’ve got about six hours worth of old BBC broadcasts of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy that I’m going through, so perhaps someone might suggest some more audio books for me to acquire? I’ve already got the Harry Potter books on my list to search for, in preparation for the new one coming out next month…maybe I should look for The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, too?

My only requirements are that I can save them onto CD in wmv or mp3 format to save space…no streaming audio while I’m at work, but I’m open to suggestions for around the house, too. Somebody throw me a bone here!!!

geek crap resolved???

  • Who knew that DHCP could be such a pain in the ass?! Almost followed the suggestion to replace cables for any bad connections when I opted to just try out the other NIC in the offending PC first…so far, it’s now working. I don’t know what the problem is – just both my laptop and my server sometimes don’t get an IP from DHCP, so they now give themselves private IPs instead which effectively does, well, nothing. Both seem to be back online now, so we’ll see what happens, but after reading the mass of DHCP issues that folks have been having with Linksys – since 2001– I’m about ready to exchange this thing for something else…
  • Received the LNP documentation from VoicePulse today to effectively boot Verizon from my life – just cross your fingers and let’s hope that they can get this right the first time! You’d think with what I do for a living, this would be a shoe-in…but then again, all I can really do is print clearly on the forms – the rest is up to them…
  • Cleaned up a bunch of stray programs from both PC and laptop this evening – systems seem to be running a little smoother now. Laptop is still beggingto be reformatted (after three years…), but I just don’t have the time to take that plunge right now. Maybe I’ll play the scandisk / defrag game before going to bed tonight.
  • Photo galleries on are almost the way I want them now – had to trim away some text to make them fit properly with the new layout, but such is life. After spending a good couple of hours actually writing and formatting for the “new site,” it just might actually get put up sometime this year after all!
  • Pile of old NES games and other pitiful computer junk keeps looking more wasteful and makes me wonder if I should just skip eBay and go straight to the dumpster…at least the dumpster doesn’t charge me listing fees…

Either way, it’s all good now and I’m going swimming – please try not to crash anything while I’m gone… 😛