“We have ourselves a quandary, Batman…”

So I’ve been surfing around to the websites of various writers that I knew from back in the day in hopes of finding an idea or two for the redesign of my own site and sadly, I’ve come to only one shocking conclusion: most of them aren’t there anymore! Whether they legitimately left the business or their domain names merely got snagged out from under them and it didn’t seem to be worth the hassle to continue, the majority of the links under the Columns – Humor Writers in my bookmarks are now officially defunct. And not to mention that Dave Barry himself has officially “quit the biz” for the time being – nothing like being a mood killer, let me tell you!

On second thought, maybe I don’t want to all-out ditch the layout that I’ve worked so hard to develop anyways. Perhaps a little tweaking here and there would be just as effective as a full-blown facelift, and without half of the headache, either. I don’t know what I could change – it’s very difficult to consider asthetics when I rely so much on clipart to cover my lack of artistic ability anyways! Plus, the writing is supposed to be the focal point anyways…and then again, “You’ve gotta get ’em in the door before you can sell them any cheese…”

I’m officially torn – what do you think, America? (…and beyond…)


We had a topless protester at work today.

Ok, well she wasn’t actually on our floor, but we could see her out the window sitting down on the corner of Kennedy and Franklin by the park.

Apparently she was concerned about the circus or something…I don’t know – I wasn’t really paying attention to that part…

Look out, Outlook!!!

Ok – it took me over an hour, but I finally sat down and cleaned out the e-mail portion of Outlook at home. I believe there was something like six hundred unread messages sitting in my inbox, so it’s no wonder that I didn’t really even bother to try anymore! Nonetheless, I think that I have everything organized a little better now – newsletters, which make up the bulk of my mail these days, are going to separate folders, thus allowing my personal mail to actually stay near the top – so we’ll see…

In fact, Resolution #8: Keep up on the e-mail better in 2005!

You see, I’ve developed a really bad habit of simply ignoring mail these days, or at least the stuff that still comes in from Just Laugh. Now in my defense, I don’t reply to that stuff most of the time because we officially closed down six months ago – sign on the door and everything – and yet I continue to receive submissions and link suggestions and whatnot all the time! Nonetheless, I’m considering reopening a very small portion of the site with this new missive of mine for 2005, so maybe this would be a good opportunity to at the same time make it a little clearer that things are done around that front…but at the same time, yes – I’ll make it a point to be more polite and inform any new submissions of our current situation!

Next stop: Outlook’s address book …ugghh…

…finally back online! :(

Ok, so we learned an important lesson over the weekend – be careful when making changes to the computer that feeds Internet access to everywhere else in the house! Long story short, I tried to update MySQL for some things I’ve been playing around with at work and ended up bringing down the house. Don’t ask me how … the wi-fi to my laptop still isn’t up and working, and I’m not making any more changes until that PC gets an upgrade itself…

So yeah – I spent my New Year’s Eve fighting with database software – woo hoo. I believe last year’s was occupied reading the latest Harry Potter book, so let’s just say that I’ve never been real big on New Year’s. Sure, I would’ve liked to go watch fireworks somewhere — other than from my punk neighbors who are still setting the things off at random intervals as I type — but at upwards of $50 a pop, that’s just a bit over my head! That and all of the drunkies out there, it just doesn’t seem worth it for me, so I spent the evening playing computer and watching It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie. Maybe next year will be more “exciting…”

But regardless, this is something that I wanted to put together with the end of the season upon us: Continue reading →

…and so this is, errr, the day after Christmas…

Three day weekend was very good – mucho sueño was had, legos were assembled, movies were watched – a nice, quiet Christmas at home.

I just finished nearly the last of the cookies this evening – the gingerbread turned out particularly delicious, surprisingly because I’ve never made it before…probably worth making another batch sometime soon. The final verdict will be decided tomorrow when I distribute them at work tomorrow along with my belated Christmas gifts.

Unfortunately, the cards aren’t coming along nearly as well, as it seems that the card stock that I used last year isn’t available anymore and I’ve yet to find anything worthwhile that allows the colors to come through as they should. Wasn’t there a huge epidemic years ago when everyone was making cards on their PCs instead of purchasing them at the store – what did you people print those on?! Maybe I’m just picky, but tonight the artist agreed that they shouldn’t go out on an inferior medium, so I guess my search continues tomorrow… 🙁

Holiday “Stuff” Update

P.S. …and by the way, for those of you who should be expecting something from me this season, whether it be card or present or delicious baked good – don’t get your heart set on receiving that by Christmas, okay? According to these guys who ship stuff, I’ve got until Wednesday to get packages in the mail, but probably only tomorrow for cards. Seeing as I haven’t technically printed them yet, you might look forward to receiving New Years greetings from me this year instead!

Sorry, but other extrenuating circumstances have kept me a little preoccupied lately… 🙁

“They disappointed me with science…”

I took a trip over to MOSI yesterday afternoon and, well, let’s just say that it’s a good thing that admission was FREE because otherwise I would’ve left there feeling disappointed and ripped off! Quite the bummer, too, because I’ve been wanting to go there for such a long time now – it seems like a year and a half later I’m just now getting around to visiting the big name venues of the town – the Forum last week, the science museum yesterday, the unemployment office tomorrow…I kid, I kid…

Anyone who’s been there will probably agree that the place has scads of potential, but just continuously seems to drop the ball at all of the wrong times. Very nice building – plenty of room, and even an IMAX-dome theater – but the content was simply severely lacking and barely even close to par with some of the other science museums I’ve visited. Signs were old and faded, some displays reminded me more of middle school science projects than what you’d expect to see having just paid $20 a piece for admission. They had about three worthwhile exhibits – space exploration and the planets, magnetism, and a few neat displays about forces and whatnot, but overall I probably won’t be going back anytime soon…especially if it’s not free.

In other news, I just got finished watching Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Extended Edition) – and maybe this is just my weekend for disappointments, I don’t know! Of course, the theatrical movie itself is still stellar and it had been a while since I’d watched anything on the big screen, but the extra 50 minutes just seemed like a waste to me. Nothing really significant, other than the scene where Aragorn and the army of the dead took the boats on the river, but unlike the uncut footage from the other two, it almost felt like the director was just throwing in extra footage because he had done the same with the previous two DVD sets… *shrug*

I did, however, watch Resident Evil: Apocalypse last night and I thought that that turned out really good. I had been wondering if this was going to be a completely separate movie, so it was a relief to see that this one basically picks up exactly where the first one left off…give or take maybe five minutes. Mind you, a considerable number of scenes scared the bejesus out of me, but anyone who’s endured pretty much any movie with me will vouch that this is a common happening! I think I slept in the car for something like six days after seeing Arachnaphobia for the first time… 😛