
My coffee table is about 40 miles north of Chattanooga, TN. It’s only a matter of time, now…

Note: Also excited about seeing friends bringing the table! I hope they remembered it’s protective covering, though…


I bought more fish over the weekend…the fun just never ends here in Florida, now does it?

None of them have died since that one defective one about a month ago, and I’m rather proud of that.

I’ve spent much of the last several days writing, but it’s all still on various legal pads – I do hope to see some of it online soon, and hopefully not plagiarized by any of my friends.

And lastly, I’m getting a new coffee table this weekend, or actually, an old coffee table that didn’t exactly make it down here when I moved last year. It will go on my balcony, which I plan to use for more than just storage in the future. More as this exciting coverage continues…


One of the guys that I work with shared an interesting bit of insight with me on Friday that has had a lot more affect on me than I would’ve originally thought. He had asked how my writing was going lately and I related that because of all of the half-done projects I’ve got spread out right now, I’ve been experiencing something like writer’s block and thus I’m not really making much progress with any of them. Upon hearing this, he shared something that another writer had once told him that I’ll probably never forget, and that was “You can’t just sit around waiting for the inspiration to find you. You have to get up and seek it out yourself because otherwise you may never actually see it again…” The idea is that by just sitting around, your environment to pull from is rather limited, but if you continue to write the entire time – week after week after week – then eventually things will have a much better chance of clicking once again.

And the more that I analyzed these words, the more that I realized that they can really apply to just about anything, from learning to play the guitar to dating to whatever your heart desires. Sure, there’s a good chance that you’ll write a lot of pure crap or go on some truly horrible dates along the way, but it’s a whole lot farther than you’ll get just by sitting around and waiting for that special flare to seek you out personally.

That having been said, I’ve only got a few pieces left to finish up to bring my personal site back up to speed and I plan on hitting at least one a day until they’re finally done. Then I can work at organizing my thoughts for Leaving Miami and start making more progress than just a couple paragraphs for each chapter – I think this is what motivation feels like!

Life is good.

If you don’t mind me asking, what’s this poisonous cobra doing in my underwear drawer?

…sometimes I get to thinking you don’t love me anymore…

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner – are you prepared???

Scott and Matt’s Guide to Getting Women…

Love Stinks: The Cynic’s Complete Guide to Valentine’s Day

Ahhh, those were the good old days!

live recordings for one and all!

This is just really freakin’ cool!


I see that bands are finally stepping up to the plate and addressing the issue of bootlegging in a very positive way! Why hassle with all of that fancy equipment, along with the risk of getting caught and kicked out, when for $10 or $15 you can pick-up a copy of the entire show already burned for you on your way out the door?! The quality is, of course, going to be better than even the very best of bootlegs because everything’s being recorded in a professional manner with sources straight out of the board – where was this kind of technology five years ago when I went to thirty concerts a year?!?!?!

It’s mostly smaller bands using the service right now, but I’m sure if enough people throw down their cash, you’ll be seeing this type of thing for the bigger acts in no time at all. Sweetness, indeed!

The Fucking Man

This weekend I rediscovered what the Internet is all about. This weekend I found Sean Kennedy.

How come I never come across these guys until they’ve already gone defunct? I listened to a few of his shows as I was “working” yesterday and all I can say is – the man is a damn genius. Plenty of tech talk to keep the geek interested, a well-scripted show to prove to all other Internet radio stations that somebody took it seriously, and it was even entertaining, too! Thank God the man has a year’s worth of archives to keep me occupied for a while…

You know, between The Bob & Tom Show, The Sean Kennedy Show, Lazlow’s TechnoFile, and a few cleverly placed publications, comics, and cross-platform projects, somebody could have one hell of a cool humor conglomerate if they so desired it. Hell, if Disney and Time Warner can do it, what’s the hold up?