Without a doubt, the best thing since sliced bread…seriously!

The cable got hooked up on Friday and contained all of the usual favorites, with the addition of a new feature referred to as HBO On Demand – easily the best whatever-amount-that-I-paid that I’ve ever spent! No more schedules or staying up until three in the morning or messy tapes to rewind – with this swell, new service, I can watch Curb Your Enthusiasm whenever I want, for as long as I want. I could even sit down right now and watch an entire marathon of Sex in the City that would likely last into the wee hours of the morning. I won’t, mind you, but I could and that should be enough to have all of you calling your cable companies at this very instant – life without this service isn’t really even living at all.

This public service announcement has been made possible by HBO Networks, the producers of such fine cable programming as Taxi Cab Confessions, The Sopranos, and of course, Real Sex. Where exactly is the hottest place to have a three-way? Subscribe today and find out for yourself…

crazy drivers

And by the way, in researching auto insurance providers, what the hell is it with Florida drivers, anyways??? I knew that they were pretty crazy and all, but apparently this is the worst state to operate a motor vehicle in…at least according to all of the big corporations that would like to collect my money on a long-term basis. I haven’t paid these kinds of figures ever, even considering the big Firebird incident of ’98!

What day is it, anyways???

I’m still not totally there yet, but at least I’m getting closer to settling in down here…isn’t it sad that I haven’t even been to the beach once yet since I got here?

Most of the weekend was spent shopping for furniture, something which I’ve decided that I definitely hate with a passion. I don’t mind the kind of shopping where I go to a single store, find what I want / need, and leave, but this was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and apparently an extremely rich haystack at that! After crossing many a sofa with high-four-digit price tags, and some with no price at all, I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s just way too much money floating around this town – it’s actually one of the down sides of living here, I’ve found. If I don’t buy it, the guy behind me probably will, so customer service doesn’t mean dick, but there are still some decent people, don’t get me wrong! (…so if anyone would like to come and help me move a couch, there’ll be plenty of your favorite beverage / dinner / entertainment vices onhand as my way of saying thanks…and I validate parking, too!)

Anyways, the living & bedroom furniture has been a bust so far – I did find a nice couch (…sofa, whatever…) that I liked, but I soon realized that I’m not around during their delivery hours and I certainly don’t have the means to carry it around my building and up the stairs by myself, so I let it go for the time being. I did, however, manage to completely purchase a dining room table and chairs, so at least I have someplace to sit now! If I didn’t know better, I’d even go so far to say that this little apartment is starting to resemble a home now…

light headed

It’s extremely hard to believe, but I think there’s a good chance that I might be just as tired tonight as I was last night and last night was moving night. In comparison, Tuesday night involved 26 trips up the stairs to my apartment, one of which I spent carrying a big screen tv by myself (it didn’t help much that my hotel room was on the 2nd floor, too, so you’d be safe to double that number). Tonight didn’t involve much moving, but I just spent the last three hours or so inflating an air bed by hand because I was too cheap to spend an extra $10 on a pump! Right now I’m seeing about three of everything, so I think I’ll go to bed now…

More furniture coming tomorrow! Oi…


My first day at work downtown was quite interesting, to say the very least! It only took me about fifteen minutes to get there and figure out where the entrance to the parking garage is, thus leaving plenty of time for me to walk around the city streets completely disoriented and lost – I actually walked through a jungle at one point, which was both a little startling and totally rad at the same time. One minute I’m wandering aimlessly, the next I’ve got tropical birds sqwalking in my ears – I’m going back tomorrow!

Pretty much the whole day was like summer camp to me – I’m in a class with the cool teacher and I get to listen to the other classes getting yelled at on either side of us! The view from the 20th floor is simply amazing and I can’t wait to get my camera fixed so that I can share the sights with everyone else! We’ve got a perfect view of the entire city from where we’re at now, so I can only imagine what it’ll be like when we finish training and move up another eleven floors…

Oh yes, and tomorrow evening after work I’m moving into my apartment…or at least transporting all of my stuff from both my car and the hotel room to their permanent home! With any luck, though, hopefully I’ll find a bed within the next day or so, too, and it’ll be bye-bye-bye hotel for good! I’m just happy that not only did we manage to work out the whole extra deposit deal with the apartment itself, but I even was able to get out of paying any deposit whatsoever to get the electricity up and running by the time I show up tomorrow night because apparently my credit is just that good. 🙂

The only obstacle left in my way now is the amount of time it will take Brighthouse to come out and hook me back into the land of make believe with 300+ channels of warm, digital goodness! I can almost feel the anticipation of this weekend from here…

Life’s been good to me so far…

Well, if you haven’t already heard the news, it looks like I’m gonna be staying around these here parts for a while!

It turns out that lady luck truly was on my side Friday afternoon, as I went back to the employment office, took a couple more tests on the computer, and walked out the door an hour later with a slip to report to work Monday morning – very cool, indeed! It’s going to be a lot different from what I’ve been used to previously – only getting half an hour for lunch (…and not being able to go over…or go home, for that matter…), working by the hours that have been set in stone for me, and not being able to work on my other writing projects during the slow times, but then again, the difference in pay should be worth it alone and besides, I’m in Florida now!

So the only thing that I’ve still got to work out is my apartment – there’s going to be a bit of a struggle because I don’t really have a rental history and thus they think they’re going to be getting a huge deposit from me in exchange! Surprisingly enough, I don’t have a couple thousand dollars for these people to sit on for the next year and I’ve told them this several times, but we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. I’m still confident that I’ll be moving in by the middle of next week, as soon as we work this little part out…

Bringing things up to speed, today I went shopping and spent a bunch of money that should’ve gone towards that previously-mentioned deposit (don’t tell anybody!). I picked up a new alarm clock, both because I forgot my old one back in Michigan and the hotel’s clock isn’t exactly what I’d call dependable – I’m not getting fired on my first day because the radio decided not to go off! I also took a brief trip to the mall and bought myself some official “business clothes” because apparently old t-shirts and shorts with holes in them don’t fit into the category of “business casual.” I didn’t, however, buy new shoes and I left my dress shoes up north, too, so hopefully that won’t be much of an issue. I also splurged and finally bought an optical mouse for my laptop for like $20, which is approximately a million times more sensitive than the one that came with it. Overall, I did spend a big chunk of money, but I’ve been down here for two weeks already and that’s actually showing a considerable amount of control, if you ask me!

I’m still trying to catch up on my writing, as the next few days are going to be a bit crazy once I actually get the ok to start transferring stuff from the hotel to the apartment, but I’m really looking forward to getting my office set back up again, full-sized computers and all, and actually being able to get some real work done again! I’m at least an issue and a couple of special projects behind with Just Laugh, at least one comic behind with Ink, Paint & Tears, and I’ve got a whole lot of e-mail to follow up on that I just haven’t been bothering with via my laptop so far. Even when I do get moved in, the next several weeks will no doubt be quite hectic as I fight to play catch-up, but it’s all good.

“Why is that?” you ask?

Because I’m finally living in Florida!!! Woo hoo!

Time well spent?

I spent roughly six and a half hours of my Wednesday at the longest job interview in the world, but I think this one has some serious potential…finally! I still have to go back in Friday afternoon and take one more test, but I did make it through most of the stages already so hopefully this last one is just a technicality and they’ll be ready to hire once I get it out of the way.

So tomorrow, as much as I shouldn’t just put all of my faith in this one job, is going to be my day off / catch-up day. Mostly I’ll be driving around in search of the best route between the potential job site and the potential apartment complex, but I also want to get all of my articles for this week done early, in the instance that I actually get to move into an apartment this weekend! Factor in Survivor and my day’s pretty much shot, anyways…

Oh yes, and I’ve finally settled it – I’m going to put together a book by Christmas – not involving anyone else this time, but just me and my columns. I won’t really have a good look at the status of the layout until I get everything unpacked, but I think I’ve only got about fifteen more columns left to write so it should actually all come together pretty easily. What a perfect gift idea for Christmas / Chanukah / Boxing Day!

You’d buy a copy, wouldn’t you?

…something needs to be recalled, but it’s certainly not the governor…

Dear California,

We really hoped that you’d have figured it out by now, but apparently you’re just arrogant enough to ride this thing out until the very end. You’re in debt more than any other state in the union and claim the wealthiest people and corporations in the world, yet it’s still this one single guy’s fault for the whole damn thing. Debt has never really pulled its weight as being a huge problem with anyone else in the past, but this time it’s happening to you, so suddenly it’s a gigantic problem that can only be solved by spending even more money.

Congratulations, you’ve affirmed the stereotype as being the blond-haired, blue-eyed surf bum who has absolutely no idea what’s actually going on around him. When the greenbacks settle and you finally realize that you’ve elected a fucking has-been movie star as your leader – a man who can hardly pronounce the phrase ‘fiscal deficit,’ let alone tell you what it means – don’t come crying to the rest of us. We told you to let Gray finish what he started, but what do we know, anyways? We’re not California



The Other 49 States, Many of Whom Are Also Led by Imperfect Governors, Yet Somehow Have Managed to Fucking Deal with It…

Good buy!

Those Glade scented fans that you’ve seen on tv? Seriously, the best $7.99 I’ve ever spent – this entire wing of the hotel smells like a Hawaiian Breeze…