Thin Post : 100 Push-Ups, and a Very Aggressive Christmas Goal…

So a quick update – a week later, I’m actually still using Fitocracy (just made Level 4!!!), and I think I’m ready to take on a little more.

Well, not like the last more that I attempted and failed at about a month ago, though.

This time I’m not trying to add a ridiculous amount of exercise to my routine that given my impending deadlines I wouldn’t really have a chance of fulfilling.  Instead, I’m just tacking on some simple strength training to the end of my nightly walks.  Basically just sit-ups and push-ups so far – I can knock them out in sets pretty quick as I’m cooling down from my walk, and as a plus it’s already helping to build my confidence because in multiple sets I can seem to do a lot more reps than I’ve ever been able to do in a single sitting!

Also, I’m trying this 100 Push-Up Challenge, which I’m sure I’ll write more about later, but the basic premise is that starting from a very minimal amount (I did a whopping 4 my first try!), over the course of six weeks you slowly ramp up until you should have the strength to do 100 push-ups in a row.  Tonight I just finished Day 3 of Week 1, doing a max of 6 push-ups in one set and 23 total, so even though it’s kind of hard I think I’m already seeing the results, which is kind of exciting for me because I was always horrible with push-ups growing up…

Anyways, ultimately it’s actually good that the push-ups are working me because that’s exactly the kind of thing that I need between now and the end of the year.  Simply put, I’ve been on a plateau/slight incline for the last couple of months and I really don’t want to end the year that way, so instead I want to pledge to make another significant dent in my weight loss before the year is out.  My personal goal is 17 pounds in 7 weeks, which I know is a bit high at around 2.4 lbs/week, but it’s important that I end 2011 on a high note and this is the only way that it’s going to happen.

Frankly, I think I’ve just gotten far too complacent in the last couple of months – exercising with just my walks, but not really pushing myself; keeping a so-so eye on my diet, but certainly not holding back; and above all recently, just making lots of excuses why it’s ok to miss a walk or grab an extra handful of Halloween candy, and the truth is, as immediately gratifying as that might be, it’s still no substitute for how I’ll feel when I actually have this 40-pound burden lifted from my gut!

The time to get real is now!  I’ve got my wife’s support, I’m pretty excited about it myself, and I think if I really push myself and stick to my guns for the next 49 days, the results could very well be the thinnest Christmas that I’ve celebrated in years.  Talk about a gift to myself… 😮

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