So it was another one of those lazy weekends…
Last night I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on DVD, tonight I put in some quality time with the latest Dave Barry book, and overall, the weekend wa...
Last night I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on DVD, tonight I put in some quality time with the latest Dave Barry book, and overall, the weekend wa... Almost makes me want to go and buy a DS, but ...
Oh man, I don’t know how I’ve survived this long without a ninja in my life, but this is freakin’ hilarious… (subj... It’d have been better if they’d have figured out a way to dub in the Muppet voices, too, but still not ba...
Today was … better than most: Junk Around the House… I spent a good portion of this evening cleaning, which was certainly necessary because it was g...
This morning I browsed around the surface of Mars while I ate my cinnamon-banana toast for breakfast. I remember back twenty years a...
So apparently we’re taking romantic rejections to a whole new level! I’m kind of getting tired of, so I just finished filling out the surv...
Muppets Star Wars Screen Test