Protected: fucking people
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
My coffee table is about 40 miles north of Chattanooga, TN. It’s only a matter of time, now… Note: Also excited about seeing friends bringing the ta...
I bought more fish over the weekend…the fun just never ends here in Florida, now does it? None of them have died since that one defective one about a mont...
One of the guys that I work with shared an interesting bit of insight with me on Friday that has had a lot more affect on me than I would’ve originally th...
You ever have a blister that you just want to pop so badly, but you know that you really shouldn’t?
I don’t even remember giving this one, but apparently it was good enough to make it on the same page as Barry Manilow’s quote – how bad-ass is...
…sometimes I get to thinking you don’t love me anymore… Valentine’s Day is just around the corner – are you prepared??? Scott and ...
This is just really freakin’ cool! I see that bands are finally stepping up to the plate and addressing the issue of bo...
This weekend I rediscovered what the Internet is all about. This weekend I found Sean Kennedy. How come I never come across these guys until they’ve alrea...