All I Want for Christmas…
I’ve never really been hip when it comes to fashion anyways, but it’s always irritated me when the industry takes perfectly functional clothing and ...
(photo courtesy of The City of Tampa)I’ve been wanting since I got here to throw up a few pictures, but yesterday I discovered that my digital camera didn...
I came across this page on the Michigan DNR site while I was researching a column for next week’s paper – am I the only one who is a bit concerned a...
It’s kind of a bummer that I can’t really get any work done for Just Laugh right now because not only is my main computer buried in the trunk of my ...
Well, it’s doing a little better than it was before, but dial-up just isn’t good enough for me. And just as Charter had upped our bandwidth to 2 mbp...
I made it, and wow – what a difference! It was raining and dreary when I left yesterday, maybe fifty degrees if you could find a bit of direct sunlight, b...
Also, I’ve had the constant ringing of my cell phone bouncing around the inside of my skull for the past three days and it’s really starting to get ...
Whew! What a weekend… Ever have so much freakin’ stuff to do that it seems like you just can’t get a single lick of it done? Well that’s...
And man, what I wouldn’t give for a woman that could give a decent neck massage right now! Hell, I’d even settle for a mediocre one! It’s gonn...