A Giant NES Controller … Made of Legos!
Reminds me a lot of this one made by the guys who do the Mario Marathon, though it probably took a bit longer to assemble! The creator has lots of pics up on Fl...
Reminds me a lot of this one made by the guys who do the Mario Marathon, though it probably took a bit longer to assemble! The creator has lots of pics up on Fl...
So after my little review of the Nintendo DS version of my all-time favorite video game last week, I actually discovered an iPhone version of pretty much the ex...
Because it seemed like I needed yet another reason to put off the things that I’m actually supposed to be doing, I used some leftover Best Buy rewards poi...
So a long time ago I had declared that I wanted to make one of those awesome Lego mosaics. Today I found this incredible feat of geek ingenuity… (more ima...
This one came very much out of the blue on me – I had no idea it was coming until I saw a tweet this morning! That said, I played through a little while I...
For fans eagerly awaiting the premiere of The Hobbit – a life-size model of the same set that Lego recently released featuring the very beginning of Bilbo...
…I guess Mario is kind of an asshole! 😯 (really great animation with this one, by the way…)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XmxnKyTh7c A little late to the show (movie came out in March!), but I thought this was kind of a clever take on it nonetheless....
So apparently it’s the 10th anniversary of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City… …and in celebration, Rock Star is re-releasing the game on iOS and And...
Remember that totally bad ass Final Fantasy video that I posted a couple of weeks ago with just amazing CGI of some crazy dragon getting unleashed and laying wa...