a wise man once said…
“One doesn’t know how much crap he’s truly accumulated until he’s piled it up in the centers of his living and dining rooms…”
What a pain in the ass, I tell ya! Today I cleaned out my office to make way for the construction that my apartment complex is starting Monday and as you can see below, it was a busy day! Hopefully that’ll end up being the worst because I think it was the most stuff crammed into the smallest possible space … which, of course, means that my new office is going to be freakin’ sweet. I think I’ll have room for the couches and everything – it should actually look like a real office is supposed to by the time I’m done! Server box will be tucked away in the closet so I don’t have to listen to the stupid fans day and night, which is going to be a nice change by itself because right now its sitting in the middle of my living room and at this point it seems to be noisier than ever. I’d still like to replace parts of it for Christmas, but we’ll have to see how bad the budget is first – I’ve got a feeling that I’m going to be swiping that card many a time over the next couple of weeks… 😉
cool links…
courtesy of digg.com…
- High-Tech Faucet Makes It Easier to Tell Water Temperature
http://mocoloco.com/archives/001233.php - How Google Earth Works
http://computer.howstuffworks.com/google-earth.htm - New York Underground
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/nyunderground/docs/nymain.html - Lego Pinball Machine
http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=1447916 - Gallery of M.C. Escher’s Artwork
http://www.mcescher.com/Gallery/gallery.htm - Gallery of Amazing Aerial Photography
(no subject)
You ever have one of those nights that seems just slightly out of focus? That was my evening, highlighted by a long-anticipated ring of the doorbell that could’ve turned my world back around, had there only been someone on the other side of the door once I got there. I’ve dreamed the scenario a thousand times before … here’s to hoping tonight was merely a practice run…
In the meantime, I entertained myself by watching Batman Begins and surprisingly I think it was every bit as good as those who’d seen it in the theaters had pronounced. I never really got much into the Batman franchise … aside from thwack – powww – blammm Batman … but this one might actually be worth adding to the collection…
And tomorrow I’m taking some time off to go to Disney World…yes, by myself. I had hoped for a little company to help ease my nerves, but it doesn’t look like things will be working out that way … and maybe that’s for the best because I’ve got a feeling that its going to be a pretty big milestone for me nonetheless….
I’ve got so many great memories of simpler times behind those gates, but at this point I guess I just hope that she’s still able to remember them from time to time, too.
If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do…
my horoscope for today…
a la The Onion
Virgo August 23 – September 22
You know it’s not truly over until the fat lady sings, but my God, the enormous bitch is taking forever.
From days past…
September 14, 2005
Issue 41-37
Virgo You’re a proud individual, and there are just some things that you’ve never been able to bring yourself to say, but “Give me some more goddamned fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy right fucking now” isn’t one of them.
I came home last night to find a note on my door from the apartment complex … they’ve been doing refurbishing for months now and apparently it’s finally time to work on my building. The problem is, they want to enlarge the window in my office today so they gave me approximately twelve hours to have the entire room vacant “to protect my belongings from the construction dust.”
Who in God’s name is going to have time to clear out an entire room of their home in a single night’s notice?! Needless to say, everything is still here and I’m going to have words with some people once the office opens in another hour! Apparently I get to start moving a week early… 🙁
Countdown to Moving Day: 11 days
another bulletted weekend…
- Went furniture shopping yesterday in preparation for the big move and finally found some pieces that I like – all tropical and Floridian, but also bearing price tags that totaled nearly $3,000. 🙁 I guess I could technically finance it all, as Kane’s is offering 0% interest until 2007 and I know I could qualify for it, but I’m not really sure if I want to take on an extra three grand worth of debt at this point…
- Caught myself up on The Apprentice by watching the four episodes (out of five…) that I’ve missed so far this season. I’ve got to say that reality tv as a whole is getting kind of boring, but between The Apprentice and Survivor, Mr. Trump kind of has my attention at this point. I am getting a little tired of listening to everyone attempt to market themselves as God’s gift to the business world, though…
- Critical Note: Also, am I the only one who’s noticed that Trump’s catch-phrase, “You’re fired…” doesn’t really even apply in this game? I mean, the show is sold as a “thirteen week job interview” … how do you fire somebody before you’ve even hired them?!
- Found some new toys at Best Buy that I want to get for my home entertainment center, but for now I’m going to hold off until I move so that I don’t have to haul them twice. I’m still trying to figure out the best way to play videos from my PC on the big screen (which will be in separate rooms) without simply running cables down the hall because I’ve got a ton of old shows to catch-up on now, but I’d rather watch them on a 52″ TV than a 17″ computer monitor… 😛
- Watched a couple episodes of the UK version of The Office and I’ve got to say…I don’t really like it – reminiscent of my first reaction to the American version, in fact! Odd because I really do like Ricky Gervais as he plays alongside the adorable Ashley Jensen in Extras, but The Office just seems so bland – without a cute female beside that, I guess I’m just easily bored!
- Lots of TV this weekend, I tell ya! I also started watching a few episodes of The Awful Truth (with Michael Moore) that I borrowed from a friend at work, but I’ve got to say that the whole concept of corporate awareness just isn’t as powerful when chopped up into 15-minute segments. I mean, the one where he persuaded Humana to pay for a pancreas transplant for some guy who they’d previously declined was nice, but other than that one, really, I’m four or five episodes into the series and I’m not really all that impressed…
- Spent a good chunk of time sorting through old CDs and ripping them to MP3 before filing them into a big box for the move, all the while wondering why I’m even keeping them anymore. The box that I bought is freakin’ huge and takes up nearly the entire back seat of my car by itself, and I never really listen to CDs except for in the car anymore anyways, so why am I keeping all of these things??? Once I get an MP3 player in the car, I’ll have no need for them at all … but maybe it just seems like a waste to either pitch or sell them off at a fraction of what they originally cost when there’s probably a couple grand worth of discs there.
- Countdown to Moving Day: 15 days
…better late than never, Momma used to say…
New comic is finally up, only eighteen hours late… 😛
Long, long ago in a galaxy with far too much time (and butter) on its hands…
1000 pound butter sculpture of Vader and Yoda at the Tulsa State Fair
Albeit, I don’t really instant message all that much, but damn – I just cleaned out my contact list in Trillian and I have 3 names left…
…and two of them are my sister’s IDs…
…so, so lonely!