low-impact apartment dwelling


I just spent over two hours cleaning my apartment – mostly the kitchen, which had previously been officially abandonned since last weekend. Dishes everywhere, food remnants, and pretty much everything else you’d expect from a guy living by himself. It was gross.

My pledge from here on out is to clean up my messes as I make them, hereby eliminating the need for all-day excursions like this evening’s episode. A dish here, a pan there ought to be a whole lot easier than “…uh oh – no more clean glasses, it’s time to do the dishes…no, wait – this one isn’t too bad…

You’re all my witnesses, so we’ll check back here in a few days to see how things are going…

Labor Day weekend bullets

  • Found out this evening why it’s not ok to drive on a flat tire…even if it’s just “for a few miles!” I really should’ve taken a picture because figure if I couldn’t get it to take any air here at my apartment, that thing was toast – I mean barely recognizable as a tire altogether– by the time I made it to Oldsmar!Oddly enough, I think it’s more funny than anything else…certainly could’ve used the fifty bucks that I spent on a new tire for other things, but at least nobody got hurt. Next time, I guess I’ll take the extra fifteen minutes and put on the spare before I shred the rubber itself beyond repair… 😛
  • I was going to hop on down to the aquarium for some fireworks downtown this evening, but the car incident just proved to be too much for me – came home and ate crab salad, went over some project details with lil’ sis, and watched the season finale of Entourage instead. Maybe tomorrow…
    • P.S. Thank god that Vinny’s still doing Aquaman!!! I know that it’s just a television show, but HBO has a habit of throwing in all sorts of bizarre twists to transition between seasons and it just really would’ve thrown me off of this one. Fortunately they didn’t and I just might have to buy seasons one and two because of it – good show.
  • After watching three episodes of 24 back-to-back on A&E, I think I’m officially hooked. It looks pretty cool and I would definitely like to watch the rest of the season, but I’ll have to figure out which one this actually was first because I’ve been told that two and three aren’t nearly as good as the first…or maybe that’s three and four. Either way, which one is the season with the nuclear reactors???
  • And good news – it seems as though Lori and I might just be starting up the old comic again for another run! I always get nothing but compliments when I show off what we’ve already done, so it should be fun to get back into the swing of things and see where it takes us this time…
  • Also, I finally feel like I’m making progress again with my other website – hopefully a good chunk of tomorrow will put even more of that behind me. I so can’t wait to start working on projects currentagain! Imagine that…
  • Last but certainly not least … I finally bought ALF on DVD!!! I was meaning to pick-up season four of Curb Your Enthusiasm, but like Target, Wal-Mart didn’t have it, either, so I settled for season numero dos of my wonderful, cat-eating pal from Melmack instead. Mock me if you will, but ALF is hilarious and deep down, you know it, too.

“The only good cat is a stir-fried cat…”

in your face, DHCP!!!

Finally found a way around my pesky connectivity issues with getting the old laptop back on the Internet – just setup a simple proxy server on one of my connected machines and Bam! – we’re flying once again!

Should at least work temporarily until I have time to reformat it, anyways… 🙂

vegetables funny after all…

It seems that The Onion is going around, running articles that are actually funny again – who knew?!

Google Announces Plan To Destroy All Information It Can’t Index

‘Not Quite Perfect’ McDonald’s Opens In Illinois Outlet Mall

Report: World’s Nuclear Arsenal ‘Pretty Much’ Accounted For

Hmmm…I wonder if they’re hiring… 😉

hurricane relief

I’ve kept quiet on this one for most of the week because it’s really just too much to take in – haven’t really watched much tv, so all I’ve seen are the newspapers and some pictures online:




Plain and simple, these folks need all the help that they can get – I wrote a column about it (below), so I’ll leave it at that, but if you haven’t already made a contribution or three, please consider forgoing pizza or the latest DVD releases this week … they could use the money a lot more than you can…

Continue reading →

So who was responsible for TEACHING the Internet generation, anyways???

In a completely unrelated task, I stumbled across a whole lot of bandwidth stealing from Just Laugh when I was going through server logs earlier this evening. Apparently that’s not something taught in your average middle school web design class – host your own images!!!

Fortunately, cPanel makes it quite easy to take care of that – as of earlier this evening, several hundred MySpace and Xanga pages will now be sporting a nice, little message from the editors until their owners catch on and wise up…

I would say “Damn kids!” at this point, but one page was for a lady who was, like, twenty-seven or something. Apparently Netiquette is a dying art, indeed… 😛


If you ask me, I don’t know why we even have Mondays – I don’t think I’ve ever been productive on a Monday, so why not just abolish the damn things from the calendar altogether…

Hmmm, if we did get rid of Mondays permanently, would Tuesday become the new Monday or do you think things might flow freely after all???



  • got somewhat of a grip on where I stand with the writing
  • played entirely too much Lego Star Wars to prevent any real “progress”from being made on said writing
  • baked gingerbread cookies – swear at self for trying to keep dough in line in the summer heats of Florida
  • watched new episode of Entourage when it first airs instead of relying on HBO on Demand…which has been down consistently when I wanted to watch it for the past three weeks 😛
  • grimaced with frustration as I realized that at the rate I’m going (about three pieces per day), the new photo mosaic puzzle that I bought is going to take roughly 47 weeksto finish…closer to 66 if I take weekends off… 🙁
  • …sighed and was just happy that at least I got some stuff done yesterday…Monday:
    • mail very, very late Christmas package to Uncle Robert
  • exercise as soon as I get home because according to the calendar, I only went oncelast week…oops…
  • spend some quality time cleaning up the atrocity that I left in the kitchen after cooking yesterday…including the stove top and the inside of the microwave, which gets cleaned maybetwice a year…
  • write columns that I’ve made myself a note for and proceed on to next batch to be tackled, striving to complete my backlog and get this website back online before the end of time
  • balance finances if 401k people actually update their website on-time for a change
  • break out some of that chicken for dinner that I bought last week, but somehow slid to the back of the fridge … barbecue, maybe?