No ftp, but I was able to get in and fix-up the search script manually, so at least that’s something! Now I just have to waiting for it to finish indexing so I can close the cgi-bin back off…
…and it timed out. Fuck.
No ftp, but I was able to get in and fix-up the search script manually, so at least that’s something! Now I just have to waiting for it to finish indexing so I can close the cgi-bin back off…
…and it timed out. Fuck.
You’re certainly not making this whole “update that huge website in less than a month” project easy on me, are you? I’m finally ready to work tonight, but no…
Connecting to
Connected to Port 21
Connection failed (Connection timed out)
Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #87
Let it be known – I want to meet a woman whose best story doesn’t go something like, “This one time I was sooooo drunk…blah blah blah…hit a tree…blah blah blah…fucking hilarious…blah blah-dy blah…surprised I can even remember any of it at all…ha ha ha! Why of course I’ll have another…”
Is that really too much to ask?!
[edited for personal content – see me if this thread concerned you…]
WTF?! Is American Idol ever NOT on anymore???
Whew, it’s late…but it sure feels good to be working online again! New stuff at Just Laugh coming in April – stay tuned!!! Just Laugh’s Joke of the Day is also up and running once again, on schedule now, for anyone who needs at least one more joke list to subscribe to.
Also, wow…
My coffee table is about 40 miles north of Chattanooga, TN. It’s only a matter of time, now…
Note: Also excited about seeing friends bringing the table! I hope they remembered it’s protective covering, though…