Should I be slightly concerned that the technical support site for my web server now redirects to the personal site of a fat man who has an unhealthy obsession with swords?
I think so.
Should I be slightly concerned that the technical support site for my web server now redirects to the personal site of a fat man who has an unhealthy obsession with swords?
I think so.
Just a random list of those I’ve seen on the tube this evening, none of whom happened to be appearing on Comedy Central:
Smelly Mystery Blob Takes Over N.J. Town
LITTLE EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP, N.J. – It smells like rotten eggs at best, decomposing flesh at worst. It looks like the pods from “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”
To the people whose homes back up onto a Tuckerton Creek tributary where the gelatinous substance recently appeared, it’s just “The Blob.”
“It’s frightening,” said Eileen Masterson. “We can’t swim because the odor is so horrible and we won’t crab here because we don’t know whether it’s safe.”
The substance, which was noticed about two weeks ago, consists of jelly-like bulbs that undulate with the waves just below the surface.<<FULL STORY>>
I remember back to when our area’s cable infrastructure was first updated to support digital cable and all of the channels that come with it, and as far as I was concerned, this was the best one in the entire line-up. Interesting and non-retarded originals, backed by plenty of stand-up comedy filling all of the major time slots…so what the hell happened?!
And from the looks of it, this fall’s line-up isn’t going to be any better, either. The Man Show just won’t be the same without Adam and Jimmy, no questions asked, but to top things off, Joe Rogan is filthy and hell, I don’t even know who Doug Stanhope is! I truly believe that this will be the season where this show actually does go too far, which is really too bad because it used to be hilarious. If you’ve ever heard Joe’s comedy album, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about – he was entertaining on Fear Factor because NBC kept a close eye on him and he had to watch his mouth, but now that he’s on cable, oh how the profanities will fly… The other new originals coming up are just pathetic, hardly even worth mentioning here, but I guess all I can really say is that I expected more from Comedy Central, especially with all of the reality-based crap on every other network, yet they somehow managed to squeeze themselves right into the mold between Temptation Island: Triplets and Who Wants to Marry an Imposter? with the greatest of ease.
I knew there was a reason that I kept paying for HBO and the “premium” channels…
I just need one good thing to happen to me sometime today – that’s all I ask!
Oh yeah, and next Tuesday is scheduled to be the most awesomest day in August:
Only one more day…
…and my week of twelve hour work days will finally be over. The good news is that when I get paid in two weeks, I’ll have enough to buy the rest of my car from the bank. The bad news is that I haven’t gotten squat done all week because I’ve spent so much time at work – hopefully I can get mostly caught up this weekend without sleeping through the whole thing, but I make no promises! Tomorrow night I’m grilling out steaks after I get home from work, then it’s just me, a bottle of Corona, and my laptop as I pound out a couple new chapters that I’ve been contemplating for Leaving Miami…and maybe I’ll work on some of those deadlines, too…
Where has the summer gone? No, seriously – it’s freakin’ August already! It won’t be long before there’s snow and ice all over the ground and Santa Claus starts doing his thing once again…he does deliver to the beach, though, doesn’t he???
Random Notes:
Why are the only shows that I might actually want to watch on HBO Latino???
Somehow I managed to lose a book of checks.
Either that or they got ordered with a really bizarre starting number, but I’ve done the math and I just don’t see how that’s possible. It’s not like it’s a huge deal – there’s not a whole lot of money in there anyways, but it seems kind of stupid to have to buy another eight books of the things when I’m going to be changing banks and addresses in a few months anyways. It took me something like two years to go through the last batch that I ordered – why doesn’t anybody sell these things only a couple books at a time???