No Interest Whatsoever
This weekend was particularly lazy, as most of my weekends tend to be, however I’m ever so happy to report that a single, solitary event caused the entire...
This weekend was particularly lazy, as most of my weekends tend to be, however I’m ever so happy to report that a single, solitary event caused the entire...
Oh yeah, and apparently the ethernet port on my laptop is finally working again after a good six months of consistently not, so that’s certainly a nice ch...
So it’s finally here! After two long weeks of waiting and running from hurricanes and arguing with delivery personnel over the phone, my new TV finally ca...
The delivery confirmation has been received, and even re-confirmed, the living room is set, and there are fresh cinnamon rolls baking in the oven. It won’...
Apparently AC is broken…too late to call maintenance guy tonight…should’ve went with gut instinct and called yesterday when it seemed a bit sw...
Whew… That about describes it – what an eventful couple of days! I drove back from Lake Mary this morning…it took about four hours thanks to b...
Sure, they’re predicting flooding and high winds and lots of damage, but let’s focus on the important part – I’m not getting my new TV t...
I find myself getting more and more detached from the Internet these days, which probably isn’t such a bad thing anymore. I recall the Michigan days of sp...
There was another message on my machine when I got home tonight letting me know that I’d been selected to win a free cruise to somewhere tropical. This is...
I learned over the weekend that I share my birthday with Sean Connery and Regis Philbin. Well, technically Tim Burton, too, but it’s hard for me to get ex...