Even only being a four-day week, it felt like this one was never going to end. I think I put in nearly 40 hours at work without counting the holiday, which lead...
Even only being a four-day week, it felt like this one was never going to end. I think I put in nearly 40 hours at work without counting the holiday, which lead...
I don’t know if it’s because of my travel-filled Monday or just a lot of stuff going on right now, but I’m sure going to be happy when the whi...
…but in my defense: A) I am on vacation B) I haven’t really done all that much writing as I had hoped this week, anyways, so why should this place b...
The Taxman Cometh…Finally I literally just finished my taxes about twenty minutes ago and didn’t end up making out too bad this year. I’ll hav...
Sodium / High Blood Pressure / Doctor’s Visit Update Last night I went to the grocery store, spent a whole lotta dough on lots of stuff that I can, for th...
Lazy Wednesday I had today off, or at least the afternoon anyways, and I had all of these plans to come home and get right to work and be really productive. Had...
Last night I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on DVD, tonight I put in some quality time with the latest Dave Barry book, and overall, the weekend wa...
Today was … better than most: Junk Around the House… I spent a good portion of this evening cleaning, which was certainly necessary because it was g...