Hehehe – I just got a 2004 copy of the Michigan State Income Tax book in the mail. Not this year, ya bastards!!! I didn’t move down here to Florida just for the sun… 😛
dev. thoughts for the “new” comedic-genius.com…
Ok, people – I needs your input!
I spent a great deal of time tonight doodling and sketching and trying to decide which direction I’d like to see my website turn, but unfortunately I’ve been out of it for so long that now I have some questions about how things are supposed to work. I know that these were issues way back in the day, but with the advancements in technology and magic and whatnot, do I still have as much to consider???
- Moveable Type — As much as I don’t want to, I think it’s time to abandon Fusion PHP and move up to a more powerful blogging system for my site updates…is MT still the best option, or has something better come along?
- Database Content vs. Search Engines — Is this still an issue? I know that back when we converted Just Laugh over to PHP, one of the major factors that we had to consider was how to maximize the amount of content on our site that would actually get indexed by Google and friends, thus most of our format remained in a text form under PHP. Although I would guess that a database-driven system would ultimately make my super-cool, new site easier to update and whatnot, would I be digging myself into a proverbial hole with regards to search engine placement?
- Screen Resolutions — I still use 800×600 at home, but I couldn’t find any currentstudies to show what the rest of the world is doing! Am I still cool to code under these guidelines, or is it time for me to bite the bullet, buy a pair of glasses, and kick it up a notch? (…keeping in mind that most of my content is text…)
- Are People Still Impressed by Flash?— Just wondering, because I’ve got a cool idea for an animated logo and menu system that I’d rather not subject to the constraints of javascript if I can avoid it.
- Is there anything else that I should be taking into consideration???— Seriously…it’s almost two o’clock in the morning…I may very well have missed something!I welcome any and all feedback that anyone would like to provide – send me your thoughts and help me build a better place on the web for, well, me! 🙂
I miss The Screen Savers…
A little techno-nostalgia, with possibly some hope in the future!
Remember back when…
- …you could actually visit their website for more information if you missed an episode?
- …they brought on people like Bert Monroy, who’d drive you to launch Photoshop and “draw along with him”?
- …viewers were actually encouragedto call in with their questions about linux and unix?Bah! Does anybody still watch G4TechTV???
Virtually Yours…
I had a rather interesting dream last night which lead me to ask the following question this morning: what ever happened to virtual reality???
It’s like five or six years ago, VR was all the hype and everybody fantasized about all of the cool things that could be done with such technology…even a few ideas that were non-sexual…and then the Matrix came along and just scared the living crap out of everybody! Maybe people realized that it was a cool idea as long as you could still leave on your own, but as far as I’m concerned, I think we’ve still got a few more decades before the computers take over and enslave us all, so let’s enjoy it while we can!
Anyways, the dream went as follows – all of these MMORPGs today (Worlds of Warcraft, Star Wars Galaxies, and are people still playing Everquest???) could kick it up a notch and really give their users the experience of a lifetime by allowing them to really become their characters. Enough with trying to push a little, itty-bitty graphics card to new heights, let’s skip it up about three notches and immerse the player in a three dimensional world that they can explore as indepth as they could possibly desire – the beauty of computers allows us to skim over the mundane rocky spots, such as the concept that the average computer geek probably couldn’t traverse across a mountain range or pick-up a broad sword, let alone wield one! Granted, you’d still likely look ridiculous to anyone walking into the room as you appear to be waving an imaginary sword in the air as you battle giants, but hey, you can’t win ’em all…
Of course, take it a step further as more and more “worlds” are constructed virtually and suddenly the potential as more than just a cool game becomes even moreso apparent – hold a last-minute conference to discuss business strategy with offices from around the world, show the kids what hands-on learning is really all about as teachers give their students tours of historical and scientific breaking points in time (hey, it worked on The Simpsons!), or even make your first date a virtual one as you and your new friend tour the Louvre while still 10,000 miles apart (and nowhere near Paris!).
There’s so much potential here, but no, let’s focus our budget on blowing things up instead. 😛
Word of the Day: “teledildonics”
Try fitting one into your normal routine… <<SOURCE>>
…pun intended…
Science Rules
I watched another episode of Discovery’s ongoing series – 100 Greatest Discoveries – on The Science Channel this evening. For those out of the know, the series is hosted by the one and only Bill Nye the Science Guy, who is the epitome of why I like science in the first place – it can be fun and amazing and not boring if you want it to be!
I’ve only caught a few of the episodes – I missed the very first ones – but after they get through chemistry and biology in the next couple of weeks, I hope Discovery takes the lead and releases the entire series on DVD in the near future. They’ve managed to release all of the American Chopper episodes for outrageous fees – this is really the least that they can do for us…
Keeping the spirit after the holidays…
Do you think it would be considered lazy and/or tacky to simply opt to keep my Christmas tree up all year round?
It still looks nice to me, and it really helps to bring the room together, if you will. Also, I don’t really have anyplace to put it once it’s been dismantled anyways, so what’s the harm in just leaving her be and spreading the love until it’s time to put presents underneath in another eleven months???
Blogging Innoventions…
I discovered a new blog that has done quite a fine job at keeping my attention over the past few days that I thought I’d share…
You may know Brad Templeton as the head honcho behind the Electronic Frontier Foundation, or even earlier from rec.humor.funny, but me, I was just happy to discover a blog that discusses more than what the author had for lunch! The link above will take you to an archive of ideas and invention possibilities and all sorts of other neat concepts that have crossed the man’s mind over the past year – mostly technology-based, but not always. Some of my favorite ideas included a home version of the classic soda machine that works from standard two liter bottles and a roaming user profile for the PC that would turn any desktop into your home machine with only a CD. We also share a lot of ideas about the capabilities of fiber optics over the next several years.
If you’re looking for a good read, and you’re a science geek technologist like myself, then click away…
Zone Alarm sucks
I finally had to kill it again today when it wouldn’t allow me to access any of my shared drives anymore. I’ll never understand how people can swear by this product – sure, it’s got a pretty interface, but maybe it was never intended to run on an independent box that just shuffles files back and forth. Why it still hasn’t managed to learn the difference between my desktop computer and any other PC on the Internet after using it for damn near a year, I’ll never know.
I don’t have the energy to find a replacement, so the Windows XP firewall is going to have to be good enough for now. Anybody have any opinions as far as what I might have a little better success with? I’m looking for firewall protection to go on a computer that basically just distributes Internet access to the rest of the house and holds a few other shared drives for movies and music and such…
“Good news, everyone!”
Music Industry Must Respect Privacy of Filesharers
Ruling in Charter Case Smashes DMCA Subpoena Powers
The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision today that will stop entertainment corporations from gaining access to the names of people using peer-to-peer (P2P) networks unless the companies file lawsuits against them and furnish actual evidence of copyright infringement. <<MORE>>