Why didn’t anyone ever tell me that there’s such thing as a 24-hour post office?!
I’ll never use another plain, old, inferior post office again…
Why didn’t anyone ever tell me that there’s such thing as a 24-hour post office?!
I’ll never use another plain, old, inferior post office again…
I found this link over the weekend…
Ok, so here’s a question – we live in the age of technology and information…why can’t we vote over the Internet yet?
I mean, seriously, some of the folks I talked to sat in line for hours – who has time for that in this day and age?! Maybe I’m missing something important here – fill me in if I’m wrong – but with a nice chunk of government funding for security and encyption purposes and a system to retrieve your online voting pinin lieu of a voter’s registration card, could it really be any worse than…
Wow – I haven’t posted in quite a while!
Flashback: High speed modems (2400 baud) become affordable
I came across this quote in one of the forums discussing Verizon’s new FIOS (fiber) services…
Of all the places in the US (NYC, Boston, major cities, or even major suburbs) they choose KELLER, TEXAS??!?!?!
Cows don’t use Fiber!
(Kermit, posing as Rosenthal – Miss Piggy’s attorney – comes to visit her in the slammer)
Miss Piggy: I’ve missed you so, ehhh, Rosenthal! It’s been an eternity…
Kermit: It’s been forty-five minutes!
Miss Piggy: Time goes slow in the cooler.
Kermit: Well, I just want you to know that we’re going to get you out of here because we’re going to catch those thieves red-handed!
Miss Piggy: What color are their hands now???
Kermit: I don’t think this is the time for that type of humor…
Miss Piggy: When you’re in stir, you take the laughs when you can get ’em, Rosenthal.