When was the last time I changed the theme up around this blog, anyways???
Apparently it was back in 2011 when I migrated everything over from LiveJournal, if you can believe that…
A lot has changed since then – my word count here is roughly 2.5x higher than it was a decade ago, and more notably most of those projects that I used to advertise at the top of my site have pretty much gone defunct. 😯
I’ve also kind of been in the mood for something different creatively, so I thought why not start with a little facelift here and see where it takes me? That old design, while colorful, was built long before responsive design was a thing, so I acknowledge that it didn’t always look so great on mobile devices.
Do you realize that here in the 21st century, there are people who only have mobile devices as their means to access this Information Superhighway of ours?! Wild!
Anywho, I still have some pruning and spackling to do around here before everything is the way that I want it, but with any luck the end result is that I’ll be writing a bit more than I have been in the past … and then we’ll just have to see where it goes from there. I’ve got a couple of random ideas for things I might experiment with, though I don’t want to go taking on more than I can chew right out of the gate.
Still, even just looking at my family life there’s a lot that I haven’t documented in words lately that I wish I had, so one way or another I hope that this spurs some new creativity and I can come up with something that I’ll be happy to look back on in another 10 or so years from now… 😛
In the meantime, just this evening I posted a new essay for Scott’s Guide to Life – this is a piece that I actually started putting together a couple of years ago, but had stalled out on until something negative happened today that inspired me to try and flip it into something positive.
This in particular is a series that I’d really like to do more with because I thought that it would be fun to eventually collect a bunch of these essays into a print book or two, so we’ll see…