Amazing 2010 Summer Road Trip Review – Snacking Edition
What can I say – I think if there’s one thing that we can all agree on, it’s that a road trip simply isn’t a road trip without one thing...
What can I say – I think if there’s one thing that we can all agree on, it’s that a road trip simply isn’t a road trip without one thing...
Morning Cheer As the sun arose over Crescent Lake the next morning and the concierge lounge began to fill up with juices and cereals and other breakfast-type it...
A Swim at the Beach (Club) Believe it or not, I think this was the first time that we were actually able to relax and kick back in a pool this entire trip! Don&...
Wrapping Things Up with a Familiar Face Who would expect anything less from us, really?! Our original descent back into the south had actually included us stopp...
EVEN MORE DRIVING?! I’ll admit that this was one time when the driving did seem to get a bit tedious, not so much for the duration, but I think more so be...
More Driving… Slowly and somewhat reluctantly inching closer to home, the next couple of days of our journey were primarily driving days – still not...
DC Epilogue Although basically our single day of being tourists around Washington was long in duration and we were extremely exhausted by the time we got back t...
from the 1939 New York World’s Fair (Fun Fact: Walt Disney first debuted attractions that would later become the initial attractions for Disneyland at the...
SO MUCH HISTORY!!! So our original plan after touring the monuments was going to be spread out between the various branches of the Smithsonian along the mall ...