Never ceasing to entertain me!
Never ceasing to entertain me!
In an effort to keep it real and expand my horizons, I’ve decided to venture forth into the uncharted corners of the literary world and explore some strange and new grounds. The characters are real, the emotions are real, and the rhymes are shaky at best – apparently you don’t really even need them in modern poetry anyways!
So here’s my latest creation – hope all of you peeps and chickies out there dig it…
The Disgruntled Stranger
by: Scott SevenerIt was an evening unlike any other,
the stars twinkling behind a moonlight sky
with a beautiful iridescence that might’ve mattered
had the roof been ripped off by a hurricane or something.I was out of celery, and I really like celery.
So I came to your store
…ok, not technically your store, but you were working there at the time…
and it seemed only logical that everything would work out for the best.Sometimes logic doesn’t always apply when you’re dealing with jerks.
As often it seems,
I needed a few other items as well…
orange juice
and some of those little cocktail weenies that are endorsed by Al from Home Improvement.Aren’t those just delicious?!
I approached the checkout line, my arms full of much more than the celery that I originally came for.
I always forget to grab one of those little baskets, and this is my punishment.Your gaze is like that of an intoxicated water buffalo,
almost as if you spent your last break smoking cheap grass out behind the dumpster.
And I get the feeling that your lack of enthusiasm about my purchases at this store
might be lessened considerably if you were actually conscious to witness the act.
I can almost taste the marijuana from where I’m standing.But I say nothing as you fumble with each item to find the barcode, forgetting that I’m going to want to actually eat this stuff later.
I say nothing as you carry on with the cashier in the next lane about “where you’ll be partying when you get out of this hell hole in a couple of hours.”
And I say nothing as you proceed to bag each of my four, relatively small items in individual bags.My total stutters from your lips as if you’re a baby just trying to speak for the first time…
Is your job really this difficult???
As I hand you a wad of bills from my wallet, your glare implies that I might as well have given you a handful of pennies…or even pebbles from the parking lot.
Time lapses and I swear I see my life flash before my eyes as you calculate the $2.23 change that I have coming.You hand me $1.67, with a look that screams the war-cry of a rebelious youth,
but this time I’m not going to let it slide.Fucking kids are gonna have to learn sometime…
I take my receipt and proceed to the nearest manager,
explaining that I’m still fifty-six cents short and that one of his cashiers is high as a kite.
We return to your lair and the tall, pasty general, power-tie and all, tells you to finish giving me my change.
I can feel the “fuck-you” in your eyes, as I grin from ear to ear and place the coins in my pocket.Turning to leave, I know that you won’t be far behind me.
I might feel bad about costing you your job, but you didn’t really even like it anyways.
And besides, I am the customer…and the customer is always right.As I leave your store, I look up to see that the sky truly does look beautiful tonight.
I wonder if you will notice this when you pass through these same doors.Oh well – tonight will be a great tonight for some celery!
Today I’m going to be productive. I feel completely rested and I am now ready to take on this massive backlog of work that I have sitting before me. This day off will be one to remember because it shall be from now on referred to as The Day That Scott Was Productive.
Just call me Mr. Productivity – yeah, that’s the ticket!
Just a brief note – if you’re going to even bother saying excuse me, it helps if you say it loud enough so that the person you’ve just inconvenienced can actually hear you. Just murmuring it under your breath in passing is not enough.
I think I’m just trying to do too much.
I’ve been attempting in vain for the past several weeks to get caught up with everything, being the magazine, my own personal columns, and so forth, but it seems like I’m always about three steps behind where I would like to be and unfortunately, I still can’t see myself finding the horizon anytime soon. I had everything laid out to bring myself up to speed last week, but somehow I ended up sleeping through most of my free time. This week I’m working about 20 hours over my normal schedule, so I guess I should just be happy to make it through the week! I don’t want to drop anything, especially the magazine because it’s just come too far already, but I don’t like missing deadlines continuously and constantly leaving everyone wondering what’s going on. I’m also trying to avoid going on hiatus to “catch up” because that never seems to work anyways, so here I am, stuck between a rock and a hard place.
In other news, Kim left on her cruise this morning, which was kinda sad, but I know she’s going to have a great time and it gives me a week to make plans for the best birthday she’s ever had! I bought Final Fantasy X last night at Target for $15, although I don’t think I’m going to even try to start playing it this week. Along with the contemplation of Christmas gift selection coming up soon and how I’m going to get myself out of this hole over the next six days so that I can feel free to enjoy Sunday and all that it will entail, it’s safe to say that I’ve just got too much on my mind! Anyone want to go have a drink???
I think that, just like those car commercials on the radio that involve honking horns and whatnot, any commercial on television during which a cell phone rings, thus making the rest of us think that our own phones are ringing, should be banned.
Did that sentence make any sense at all???
Riddle me this:
Why don’t you people use ice cream freezer bags down here?! I went to purchase a carton of ice cream this evening and, remembering that the last carton was damn near already a liquid by the time I had gotten home, I asked the cashier to put it in a separate bag. She looked at me like I was out of my mind…because apparently they just don’t do that here. It’s something like forty degrees colder up in Michigan right now and I’d bet you a dollar that every single carton of ice cream that comes out of the store gets its own bag, so why hasn’t this technology made it to the south yet?
Needless to say, I had to drive straight home, ignoring all traffic lights, just to avoid ice cream soup – color me befuddled.
Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless. Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to console others. Too generous and egoistic. Takes high pride of oneself. Thirsty for praises. Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when provoked. Easily jealous. Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly. Independent thoughts. Loves to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends.
( What does your month say about you? )
Post your list and strike what you feel doesn’t apply to you…
I take a brief hiatus from the Internet and now I apparently get something like sixty or seventy e-mails a day…and they’re all SPAM.
Can somebody please remind me why I even bother with this thing???
I was informed earlier that I’ve been neglecting my blog here lately, even though with all due respect I’ve technically been neglecting just about everything that I do online for the past several weeks. I’ve certainly been a little distracted from the online community recently, although not at all in a bad way, but I do think that I need to find a way to balance the two. It might involve my doing a little less online than I normally do, but we’ll just have to wait and see. I can’t honestly make that decision until I’m actually caught up…so maybe this week???
Anywho, last weekend in particular was pretty cool. I spent some time in Orlando, doing the whole tourist thing, which is actually pretty easy to do when the main mouse himself is right next door! We ended up spending a good portion of the afternoon experiencing the Festival of Masters at Downtown Disney, which was a lot of fun. It was the first time I’ve been on Disney property since I got here, so it was good to rekindle the magic, if you will! By far, the coolest place in the area is the Lego Imagination Station, which has officially surfaced my passion for those little interlocking blocks from my childhood – let’s just say that I’ll be posting my new wishlist for Christmas here shortly…
That little visit was also a nice little opportunity to check out the inside of Pleasure Island without actually having to be subjected to all of the dancing within, so that was kind of nice! Didn’t get my gumbo at the House of Blues, but maybe next time. The rest of the evening was pretty much spent challenging the Wachowski bros to completely bore the hell out of me and I must say that they did exactly that with marvelous results! Ok, I won’t ruin it with spoilers for the rest of you who haven’t seen this debocile yet, primarily because I would first have to be able to identify the plot before I was able to spoil it, but let me just say this, kiddies – there are a lot of things in this world that $8 can buy you – a couple of drinks at your favorite bar, two or three boxes of Frosted Flakes, and even one of those DVDs out of the bargin bin at your favorite super store…and I guarantee you that whatever you choose, it will no doubt be infinitely more entertaining than Matrix: Revolutions was. Mind you, I didn’t like the second one, either, and thought that the story was pretty well told after the first installment, but if you go to see this movie and can seriously walk out saying that you enjoyed the show, I can no longer be friends with you.
So hopefully The Return of the King will end up being a better movie – I don’t honestly see how it couldn’t, but you never know! I’ve enjoyed watching the last two each year at Christmas and it’s been interesting to see how Peter Jackson has interpreted the story onto the silver screen thus far, so as long as he keeps doing what he’s doing and doesn’t push too hard to out-do himself on the last one, I think it should turn out pretty good. Of course, this doesn’t give him the go-ahead to go crazy/wild with his next adventure in filmmaking, but is there really anything that we could do to stop him?
Oh yeah, and if you haven’t been able to put two and two together thus far, I met a girl, too. A real one that doesn’t even need to be inflated this time – can you imagine?! It can only go downhill from here…